Sunday, January 3, 2010

Utah, Snow Tubing, and high Altitude Sickness (3)


[continuing from part 2]

Just a few steps north from the Learning Center, there is a popular snow tube park. Only two tickets left for the coming one-hour session. Hooma volunteered being a picture taker. In fact, she just felt like she could faint at any time. Hooba and Hoohoo chose their own tubes and waited in line for available tow ropes to take them up to the top of the hill. Hooma sit at a picnic table right next to the ticket booth with a woman who apparently served the same function as Hooma, taking pictures. About 10 minutes later, the woman saw her 11-year-old boy slid down first on the middle lane followed by her husband holding their toddler girl on the first lane which has gentler slope. “Gosh, it takes almost 15 minutes per round,” she said to Hooma. Hooma did a quick calculation and realized that only 4 rounds per hour!

Couple minutes later, she saw Hoohoo and Hooba slid down on the lanes next to each other. At the end of the lanes, there is an area with a slope to slow you down and several barriers to prevent you from flying over. But if you reach the line and crashed onto the barrier, you will get a warning for the first time, and get expelled on the second time. While Hooma was capturing the moments, more moms joined the camera crews at the picnic table. Some came from finishing the first round, some just like Hooma, couldn’t go up there to face their own fear of height. Once Hooba and Hoohoo reached the base, they were so eager to get in the line again. “You guys can enjoy only 3 more rounds.” Said Hooma. But the line moved faster this time probably because the participants knew the rules and the routines already. The second round took them only 9 minutes. After the third round, the line was getting lighter and lighter because some people had decided not to go up again. “Must be the thin air in such high altitude.” said one mom. Hooba and Hoohoo continued their 4th, 5th, and final rounds.

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